Jun 272016

The Senior Room children set up a classroom outside on a beautiful sunny day with Ms. Kerr and produced these beautiful, textured flip-flop pictures.

 Posted by at 11:12 am
May 262016

We have started swimming lessons in Athy pool on Thursdays. Here is what a selection of the children had to say:


We left school at 5 to 12 to go swimming last Thursday. We arrived at the pool at about a quarter to 1. We got individual changing rooms. Before we got into the pool, we had to have a quick shower. I was put in the older group. The lesson went on for about 45 minutes. When we got out we had another quick shower. After that we had about 6 or 7 minutes to get back into our uniform, dry our hair and line up. We got back to school at about quarter to three. It was great fun!

By Jack (6th class)


We left the school at 12:00 and we went to Athy Leisure Centre. I was sitting beside Sam. I got dressed and we did this test thing. I went into the middle group and there were this floats shaped  like this : (not able to paste pic) . We did the Breast stroke, Back stroke and we had playtime. I did a flip underneath the water and played with a football. On the way back we ate lunch. We played games on the bus as well. We got back just in time to go home at three.

By Aran (3rd class)


I liked the pool. I can swim. I went on the bus. We all went to the pool. I liked the shower.

By Ellen (Senior Infants)

 Posted by at 10:16 am
May 262016

We have been learning about frogs, snails, spiders… in S.E.S.E.

In Art we have been painting, constructing and drawing these creatures.

On Tuesday 24th of May we went on a ‘Frog Hunt’ in a nearby field which has lots of ponds in it. We found lots of different creatures, including a newt!    We also collected seeds, pine cones, bones and snail shells. We really enjoyed our field trip as the sun was shining. But we were glad we wore our wellies!

Thank you to the Blake family for giving us permission to explore this wonderland!!!


 Posted by at 9:38 am
May 182016

We have finished our Chess Tournament in the Senior Room!

In January Mr. Alfred visited the school and taught the children how to play chess. The Senior Room children will now teach the Junior Room how to play.

 Posted by at 8:21 am
May 172016

Ms. Case returned to plant out our lettuces, strawberry plants and spring onions.

We learned about the benefit of compost to plants. Ms. Case demonstrated this by comparing 2 lettuce plants, which were planted at the same time, where only one had had banana skins, eggshells and teabags mixed through the soil. Can you guess which one in the top left picture?

 Posted by at 1:32 pm
Apr 282016

The children recently had the opportunity to explore the medium of clay. They really enjoyed sculpting their little creations.

Here some of our finished products.

 Posted by at 11:35 am
Apr 282016

The Senior Room have been learning all about ‘Big cats’. Here are some of their projects.

 Posted by at 11:13 am
Apr 212016

Tag rugby has started. Thanks to Larry Canavan from Tullow Rugby Club. The children have been learning lots of new skills.

 Posted by at 1:01 pm
Apr 212016

The children enjoy extra GAA sessions on Thursdays this term. Thank you to Robert McHugh.

 Posted by at 12:46 pm
Apr 212016

More tennis!! On a beautiful sunny day in Donoughmore!!

We have learned about the parts of the racket, how to hold the racket correctly, the scoring and we played more tennis and skills games this week.

 Posted by at 12:38 pm