Dec 132016

The girls from the Junior Room asked me to share a photo of their huge turtle. They made it in the sandpit and it was large enough to sit on.

 Posted by at 3:04 pm
Dec 132016

As part of ‘Science Week’, the children were taking a closer look at electricity. They worked with circuits, switches, bulbs and motors. They also experimented with static electricity.

 Posted by at 2:58 pm
Nov 102016

Ms. Elsie Ryan came on Tuesday 8th Nov to tell us all about MS. Her presentation was very informative. The children have just completed the MS Readathon, which ran from the 7th of October to the 7th November.

 Posted by at 2:59 pm
Oct 272016

On Thursday 27th October 2016 we had a visit from the Army in their Mowag. All the children got the opportunity to ask questions and see what it is like inside. We learned lots of things including that these vehicles cost €1.3 million,  they can carry 8 soldiers, they are bought from Switzerland…

 Posted by at 1:59 pm
Sep 272016

GAA has started again this year thanks to Paul Garrigan. We enjoy GAA every Tuesday and the children continue to improve their skills.

 Posted by at 12:48 pm