
Sep 152016

We now have a little Fairy Garden organised by the Fenton family with help from Ella Quinn. We also took delivery of a new shop. This was purchased with the money we received from Toomey’s Tractor Run in Donard. The children will enjoy lots of imaginary games in our lovely playground.

 Posted by at 10:17 am
Jun 302016

On Wednesday 29th of June 2016 we said goodbye to Mr. Purcell and to 6th class (Cian, Jack, Kamile, Mark, Owen, Rachel, Sam, Victoria and Willie). We wish them every success in the future.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for their help and support during the year.

School will reopen Wednesday 31st August at 9.00a.m.


Myrtle Manley.

 Posted by at 12:12 pm
Jun 302016

On Monday 27th June 2016, as an end of school year treat, Ellen from Junior Einsteins came to the school. This visit included a whole school science show and group workshops. The children experimented with ‘Elephant Toothpaste’, ‘Coke geysers’, ‘Smoke Canons’, ‘Fossils’, ‘Model Frogs’… to name just a few. They also experimented with friction by making towers for marbles to roll-down at different speeds. These activities lasted the entire day and all the children made and brought home their own ‘Slime’.

 Posted by at 12:03 pm
Jun 302016

On Friday 24th June 2016 the whole school went to Castlecomer Discovery Park. The children enjoyed a nature trail, a scavenger hunt, a water investigation and some climbing. The Senior room also participated in abseiling and the leap of faith. They also had fun in the playground where the zip line was really popular.

 Posted by at 11:45 am
Jun 302016

On Wednesday 28th June 2016 the Junior Room revised 3-D shapes by constructing cubes, cuboids, pyramids and triangular prisms out of cocktail sticks and Jelly Tots. As an added bonus the children got to eat the finished products!

 Posted by at 11:08 am
Jun 282016

Friday 10th June this year, Blessington No 1 School hosted the Children’s Festival. This is an annual event where 4 local schools come together for the West Glendalough Children’s Choral Festival.

There was a beautiful Church Service and afterwards lots of treats in the GAA pitch before the races. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great but that didn’t dampen spirits. Athy school won the cups for the girls and boys’ Championships and Blessington school won the overall cup. We had some winners too:

  • Senior class Relay team (Willie, Jack and Claudia) won 2nd place.
  • Three legged race (Owen and Willie) won 1st place.
  • Fifth class race (Claudia) 1st place.
  • Girls’ Championship (Claudia) 2nd place.
  • Sack race (Ben) 3rd place.
  • 3rd class race (Leah) 1st place.
  • 3rd class race (Aran) 3rd place.
  • 1st class race (Oren) 3rd. place.
  • Junior Infants race (Reece) 1st place.

Well done to all!! Next year Jonathan Swift N.S., Dunlavin will be hosting it on the 9th of June.



 Posted by at 12:48 pm
Jun 272016

The Senior Room children set up a classroom outside on a beautiful sunny day with Ms. Kerr and produced these beautiful, textured flip-flop pictures.

 Posted by at 11:12 am
May 262016

We have started swimming lessons in Athy pool on Thursdays. Here is what a selection of the children had to say:


We left school at 5 to 12 to go swimming last Thursday. We arrived at the pool at about a quarter to 1. We got individual changing rooms. Before we got into the pool, we had to have a quick shower. I was put in the older group. The lesson went on for about 45 minutes. When we got out we had another quick shower. After that we had about 6 or 7 minutes to get back into our uniform, dry our hair and line up. We got back to school at about quarter to three. It was great fun!

By Jack (6th class)


We left the school at 12:00 and we went to Athy Leisure Centre. I was sitting beside Sam. I got dressed and we did this test thing. I went into the middle group and there were this floats shaped  like this : (not able to paste pic) . We did the Breast stroke, Back stroke and we had playtime. I did a flip underneath the water and played with a football. On the way back we ate lunch. We played games on the bus as well. We got back just in time to go home at three.

By Aran (3rd class)


I liked the pool. I can swim. I went on the bus. We all went to the pool. I liked the shower.

By Ellen (Senior Infants)

 Posted by at 10:16 am